Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Viva La Vida

currently listening to: Coldplay Viva La Vida. Amber Pacific Truth In Sincerity
currently reading: Time Magazine

I have to study for the GREs. gross. it'll be like the SAT all over again. memorizing words, practicing problems, bla bla bla. but it's got to be done if I want to go to grad school, and it's looking more and more likely that I am. I'm still intrigued by the University of Arizona, although my parents keep insisting that I would be bored out of my mind if I went there

today was the first day of work. it wasn't bad, I was given stuff to do, so that's always a booster. this summer I'm carpooling to work! very exciting - I feel like this is the most I've done for the environment since working at the zoo

I also returned to the gym, after stopping when I went home. I feel my legs getting sore


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