Saturday, June 21, 2008

Just Dance

currently listening to: "Just Dance" Lady GaGa. Jermaine Stewart "We Don't Have To Take Our Clothes Off"

it is RIDICULOUSLY HOT in Los Angeles! Southern California is embroiled in a heat wave. temperatures in downtown Los Angeles are above 90 degrees.

meanwhile, bugs are eating me alive. seriously. I woke up one day and found four bites on my leg. the temptation to scratch was unbelievable, but I resisted and dabbed anti-itch cream on them multiple times a day

I've also gotten into the MTV show America's Best Dance Crew. the crews are so sick. last year's winner was this group called Jabbawockeez. the fact that they got their name from the legendary Lewis Carroll poem "Jabberwocky" only makes them even better. I tivo-ed an entire ABDC marathon just so I can watch their performances. hah hah

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