Saturday, January 3, 2009

Welcome To The World

HAPPY NEW YEAR! 2009! holy crap this means the first decade of the millennium is almost over. yikes! gotta make it the best year yet (so far each year has been better than the last, don't worry)

so far during the winter break I have read ON THE ROAD (finally), THE NAMESAKE (VERY, very good), and I am currently double fisting with THE HOUND OF THE BASKEVILLES and NICKEL AND DIMED: ON (NOT) GETTING BY IN AMERICA. I finished quite a bit of writing over the past several days. I wrote a transportation scholarship essay, filled out a bunch of graduate school applications, and wrote a technical paper for my school's civil engineering club (hopefully it will get accepted). I have also continued to go to the gym daily on weekdays

In other news, have you seen the G commercial? the one with a bunch of athletes? it's pretty awesome but I have no idea what it is about. but I googled it, and it's about.....Gatorade!! it's got Dwane Wade, Jeter, JABBAWOCKEEZ, voiceover of Lil's epic

here's the ad if you haven't seen it. G!

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