Sunday, April 20, 2008

Four Twenty, 420, or For Twenty Years of My Life

So today is April 20th. I believe it's Bob Marley's birthday. And the unofficial-yet-official Light Up Day. Is yours truly lighting up? No. It's not that I've never lit up before, it's just that this year, I am unsure of any consequences, and as such, am withholding myself from any hoopla. Trust me, it is very hard

This weekend was amazing. It was the first weekend that I did not have any obligations to fulfill, and such I took full advantage. On Friday there was the sorority boat formal, which was AWFUL (gross music, gross food, gross boat). Saturday I finally washed my car and went out for food with my friends, followed by the roommate's 21st party. Today I basically...slept a lot. Spectacular

Currently listening to: Colby O'Donis feat. Akon "What You Got"

1 comment:

leens said...

aww man, you so do not provide enough details. i want an email with extensive attention to detail about son's bday party!