Thursday, April 17, 2008

Wheel of (Mis)Fortuna

Ack. Today was pretty ridiculous. Long, uncomfortable, and not very pleasant. The Wheel of Misfortune was definitely spinning its finest

There is a certain person in my life. Let us call him Mr. X. I come into very close encounters with Mr. X. We interact a lot, often times on a personal basis, at all times of the day. We exchange a lot of phone calls, text messages, conversations. I find Mr. X very attractive. In fact, I have found him to be extremely attractive since I first met him, freshman year. For the most part, I have accepted the "look, no touch" concept, as we talked. But of recently, Mr. X and I have gotten close. A lot closer than any of the past experiences at USC. And yet NOTHING IS HAPPENING

Why can't I be close to Mr. X?!?!?!

Maybe I am doomed to be a spinster for the rest of my life. Probably. Oh Wheel of (Mis)Fortuna!

So, I don't know if you've kept up with the news today, but there was a HUGE eruption over this Yale art student's senior project. Apparently, she declared that her project had been her documenting herself inseminating herself, and then injecting herself with abortive medicine, over and over again. Not only so, but her project display would be various videos showing her injections, video of her bleeding into a cup, and a hanging cube which would be enclosed by tape covered with Vaseline and her own blood from the abortions

HOLY FUCK. That is disgusting

This came out on Thursday, and it has erupted everywhere. The school is trying to do ridiculous damage control. It issued a press statement saying that the artist stated it was all fabricated and that she had told this to two deans. But an even later article says that the artist was NOT faking it, and that she really had performed all those abortions and inseminations and documentation

Hoooooly fuck

Currently Listening To: The Go! Team

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