Tuesday, August 19, 2008


the Olympics just ended. for the last two weeks, the world was delighted to the greatest gathering of athletic spectacles, and boy were we delighted. it's pretty interesting that the most popular Olympic sports are the ones that are in the media spotlight only because of the Olympics, but I am not complaining! from the Olympics we are treated to a new batch of athletic heroes

the athletes' passion and zeal for the Olympic medal never ceases to amaze me. for me, the best part of the games are the athletes' reactions after competing. of course, the gold medal winners have the best reactions, but just the fact that all of these athletes giving their utmost effort is the best

I stayed up late last night to watch the US Men's Basketball Game finally be shown live, and they did it! Redemption. brilliant. the team could not have been a more professional team, both on and off the court, and their medal reflects their superiority

for these games I was probably the most interested in the indoor volleyball teams. I'm not very inclined to the sport, but maybe it was from all the times I watched TV at the gym, or from catching as much of the Olympics as possible, or the tragic stabbing story, but I think I watched most if not all of the M & W volleyball games, including the quarterfinals women versus Italy (come from behind), and men versus Serbia (close one)

school starts tomorrow. am I excited? absolutely not. I suppose I should "get it over with," though, and thus have compiled the mandatory list of goals for the year

- make use of my yoga mat
- make use of my trumpet
- read more books leisurely
- score well on the GRE
- get into good grad school with financial aid
- anything else?

currently listening to: "Run The Show" Kat Deluna

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