Tuesday, August 12, 2008


so lately I've been running. now, I suck at running. godawful form, limited physical endurance, lack of a physical build. but I got sick of the ineffectiveness of the elliptical, and I can't really swim either (heck, maybe I'll work on that next, but I can't flip turn decent enough to save my life). thus I started running. and I've slowly been building my speed, going from 5.2 MPH (pathetic, I know) to 5.7 MPH to 6.2 MPH, where I stand now. I guess I want my goal to be at least a solid 35 minutes averaging 7.0 MPH or more

but the downside of running is I'm starting to get sore around my ankles again, primarily my right foot (I've always had an uneven gait; I use my left foot more than my right). so I've turned to bandaging my ankles, makeshift braces to limit unnecessary mobility. they've been working quite well. but now I look kind of ridiculous because I have little rubber booties. I took them off today, but they've been hurting, so it looks like I'll be putting them back on

did I mention that I have a developing bunion on my left foot. I think it is because I put a lot more weight on my left foot and use my left foot more. I am quite obsessed with it

today was my last day of work. it was quite nice. I really grew to like the company. they treat their employees well and they are very knowledgeable on engineering. I hope to one day be able to work for a company as nice and legit as that one. but I'm flying back to San Francisco for a break before school starts. I hate school. I don't want it to start. I'd rather spend all day watching the Olympics. bah

my feet feel worse bahhh

currently listening to: Daft Punk "Too Long"

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